Dragi posjetitelji,
na ovoj mrežnoj stranici nalaze se sve informacije o ERASMUS + projektu u kojem sudjeluje Osnovna škola Bartula Kašića iz Zadra. Naša mrežna stranica donosit će tekstove na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku. Na taj način želimo hrvatskoj i europskoj javnosti približiti naš projekt.
Za više informacija o Erasmus+ mobilnostima, posjetite:
For further details about the available Erasmus+ National Agencies, please consult the following page:
Dear visitors,
This website contains all the information about the ERASMUS + project in which Bartul Kašić Elementary School from Zadar participates. Our website will feature texts in English and Croatian. In this way, we want to bring our project closer to the Croatian and European public.
All the courses our team members take for mobility are found on the school education gateway platform. Through the same platform, we made contact with the course providers and agreed to cooperate. We plan to publish all official information related to the project (as well as a brief description of the project) on the erasmus + project results platform.
The most important topics of the Yes, and can project are:
ICT - new technologies, digital competences
creativity and culture
special needs